
The plant focuses on the added-value wood processing. It produces large-scale moist-free birch plywood of FK quality class as well as FSF plywood of high moisture resistance with the sheet size of 2440×1220 mm and 2500×1250, thickness from 4mm to 40mm. Rectilinear and curvilinear standard sheets cutting on a CNC machine according to the customer’s needs is also possible.

Plywood meets the Russian GOST 3916.1–96 and meets the European standards format. 100% birch veneer logs procured from the forest fund of the Mari El Republic is used for the plywood production. (It meets the requirements of GOST 9462–90). The continuous quality control is carried out at all stages of the technological cycle.

Resin containing formaldehyde according to standard class E1 is used as a bounding material that determines its «ecological compatibility» and makes it indispensable for interior decoration, production of furniture, containers, musical instruments, manufacturing of wall panels, countertops, pre-parquet decking and in low-rise housing construction. Plywood performance properties and quick installation allows its use in other industries, including aviation. Plywood production is virtually waste-free because the resulting wood chips are used for heat generation in LLC «Investforest» boiler-house.

LLC «Investforest"is a modern, rapidly developing, high-tech manufacturing. Industrial plants and warehouses occupy more than 5 000 square meters. Currently our company is the only one in the republic engaged in the plywood production. It aims at taking a leading position in the plywood market for wide format production.

The plant possesses modern equipment that allows to make high quality plywood 24 hours a day, at plywood capacity of 30 000 m3 per year. Production capacity is constantly increasing to 40,000 m3, additional investment is being attracted. There is an increase in the number of jobs that will contribute to tax revenues in local budgets and will improve the socio-economic situation in the region on the whole. The company’s employees make professionals’ team capable of solving the task efficiently. Leading experts from different regions of the Russian Federation have been attracted.

At present LLC «Investforest» employs 370 people. About 80% of its products are exported to the foreign market: the UK, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Turkey, Estonia. The company is a reliable partner for home market buyers in the cities of Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Kirov, N. Novgorod, Moscow, Cheboksary. The company has an active policy on sales geography expansion in Russia and among foreign buyers. The company is deliberately raising its profile and looking for opportunities to meet our customers’ needs.

The plywood plant LLC «Investforest» is a rapidly growing woodworking organization with its own resource base, individual approach to each client, advanced technology, saving your time and money!